Tuckahoe PTA Family Guide
Welcome to the Tuckahoe Community! Below are some helpful tips, links and resources. Use these as you prepare for school and to find information throughout the year. We’ve included PTA, Tuckahoe and Arlington County Public Schools (APS) information, but make sure to also use the Tuckahoe Parent Handbook and APS websites for more detailed and school specific information. For questions throughout the year and to stay connected, PTA information is at the end of this document, including contact emails and information about joining the PTA and getting engaged.
Getting Started:
If you are new to the area, or even just new to Tuckahoe ES, the following information will help you prepare for the upcoming school year.
- Rising Grade Level Play Dates - The PTA sponsors 1-3 play dates over the summer for each grade, although these are most prevalent for the kindergarten, first and second grades. Grade level liaisons will reach out to parents with more information, but if you are not yet on the email list, please check out the PTA website for a calendar of events.
- Buy School Supplies - See the supplies list for the 2022-2023 school year. The full list can also be ordered as a supply pack through a PTA vendor, if the order is placed by mid-July. Please email the PTA President for more information.
- Tuckahoe Open House - The 2022-2023 open house will be held on Thursday, August 25 from 9-10am. This is a chance for parents and children to go into the school, see their classroom, and meet the teacher. It is also a good time to drop off any school supplies and to meet other families in the class. Typically specials teachers will be in the cafeteria/multipurpose room to greet students and families during open house.
- Teacher Assignments - Parents/kids will receive a letter in the mail directly from their assigned teacher in the last week of August. If you do not receive one by the Open House, you can call the front office of the school and request that information. You can find the bios of the teachers on the Tuckahoe website.
- Bus Stop Location - You will receive a letter the week before school starts if your child is eligible to ride the bus. The letter will contain the location of the bus stop and the pick up and drop off times. If your child is in K-2nd grade, a designated escort will need to be at the bus drop off to meet your child. For more information: https://www.apsva.us/transportation-services/
Join the PTA!
Join the Tuckahoe PTA: Tuckahoe PTA is working every day to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all of our children. We need your engagement and support. To join, you must create a PTA account through our website and then select the Register button on the homepage.
Stay Connected Throughout the Year
- Tuckahoe PTA Calendar - Check here for PTA and Tuckahoe events including PTA events, school vacations, half days.
- Tuckahoe PTA Facebook Page - This is the office page of the Tuckahoe PTA. Look here for news and event postings.
- Tuckahoe Parents Facebook Page - this is a closed group and you must request access. It is a place for parents to share information, ask questions, and stay on top of what’s going on at the school. Search in Facebook for “Tuckahoe Parents” and send a request; be sure to include that you are new to Tuckahoe. The Administrators will approve your request within a few days.
- Tuckahoe ES Facebook Page - Join this page to stay up to date on info, photos and more shared by the school.
- Twitter - Some teachers/grade level teams use it - they will provide you that info directly if they do; Mr. Pascal @TuckPrinc, @TuckahoeAP, @TuckahoeLibrary and @TuckahoeSchool are all useful school wide accounts to help you keep tabs on events and activities at school.
- Grade Level Liaisons - each grade has one or more designated parent volunteer(s) who shares information with the grade and serves as a central contact for grade-level communications between parents, room parents and teachers. If you are not receiving notices, please check here for the email of your grade level liaison and make sure your family info is updated in the directory and by registering on this website.
- Tuckahoe PTA Weekly Updates - the PTA send out weekly emails with information about upcoming activities, events, and other important info. You can find an archive of the Weekly Update on the PTA website.
- APS School Talk - you should be automatically enrolled in School Talk and should begin receiving emails from APS about county-wide info of interest.
During the School Year
* Note this section includes details for a school day when school is only full time and in person.
- School Opens for Students at 8:50 a.m. - Parents may drop off students in carline beginning at 8:50 am. NOTE: the school is NOT open for children before 8:50. Families who need child care before school are encouraged to register for the APS Extended Day program. More information about Extended Day is under “Important Items to Know.”
- Students must be on campus and in class by 9:00 am: If a student arrives after 9:00 am, they must stop in the office for a late pass.
- Dismissal Times: School dismisses at 3:50 pm. On selected dates, generally Wednesdays, APS follows an early release schedule. On those days, students are dismissed at 1:30pm. Early Release days for the 2022-23 school year are: 10/20, 12/7, 2/8, 3/2, 3/15, 5/3, 6/7, 6/14, and 6/16.
- Extended Day students are called first for dismissal. They meet in the multipurpose room. Kindergarten and 1st grade students are escorted by Extended Day staff.
- Walkers and car riders are dismissed next. Parents of walkers will wait for their students at Door 9, beside the playground. Car riders congregate in the fenced area in front of the building and wait to be picked up at that location.
- Bus Riders: Information regarding bus transportation is available on the APS website and assigned routes can be access on ParentVUE.
- Change in Dismissal: Any changes in dismissal plans must be sent in writing. Without prior written notice, students will be dismissed according to their standard dismissal plans. If students are in Extended Day, a note needs to go Ms. Lopez as well as to the classroom teacher. Teachers are not checking email at dismissal time, so emails sent just prior to dismissal with regard to changes in plans for the day may not be seen before students are released.
- Early Release - typically once per month, sometimes more, all APS schools have early release. The school day ends at 1:30pm on these days. Buses and extended day occur at that time. You can find the early release days on the school calendar.
- Extended Day students are called first for dismissal. They meet in the multipurpose room. Kindergarten and 1st grade students are escorted by Extended Day staff.
- Allergies and Medications: If your child has an allergy, let their teacher and the school nurse know. EPI pens should be given to the school nurse, and if willing, your teacher can have one too. Inhalers, EPI pens, and other medications that need to be kept at school will require forms to be filled out by your family physician and given to the Tuckahoe nurse. All necessary forms can be found here: https://health.arlingtonva.us/public-health/school-health/. All medications must be provided in their original packaging with labeling intact. The PTA has an allergy awareness Committee. Please see our PTA Allergy Awareness page and Committee Contact to learn more.
- Visitor Protocols: Volunteers supporting students are considered essential visitors in schools. All volunteers must comply with school visitor polices. All visitors are required to sign in and out of the school building using the Visitor Management System.
- Friday Spirit Days: On Fridays, students may wear a Tuckahoe Spirit Shirt. Tuckahoe spirit t-shirts may be purchased through pre-order opportunities at the school’s spirit shop.
- Testing: APS administers several testing dates during the school year. For more information on your student’s testing dates, visit the APS website.
- Field Trips - the PTA sponsors several school year field trips per grade. These change from year to year and your teacher will provide information at back to school night.
- Social & School-Wide Events - there are many events throughout the school year for kids and adults. Many of these are done in partnership with the school and the PTA. Visit the Events and Activities tab on this website to learn more.
- Before and After School Enrichment: Tuckahoe’s Enrichment is coordinated with Baroody. Visit our website for up-to-date schedule information.
Meals at Tuckahoe
- The school menu can be found here.
- If you qualify for Free/Reduced meals, you are encouraged to apply for free/reduced meals as you may be eligible for additional services.
- Snacks - Teachers typically allow time for snacks to be eaten in the classroom. Timing depends on when the class eats lunch. Ask your teacher for specific information. Be aware, some classes are nut-free, and all snacks brought into the classroom must also be nut-free.
- School meals and snacks are healthy! School meal offerings must meet national nutrition standards to ensure students are offered daily servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free and low-fat (1%) milk. School meals must also meet limits on calories, saturated fat, salt and be free of added trans-fat.
- Bring Lunch from Home: Students may bring lunch from home. Grade levels eat at different times. Teachers may advise you to send a healthy snack with your student as well as any classroom allergies.
Resources & Websites
- Tuckahoe ES Website - this has the school calendar, lunch menu, links to software used in classrooms, supply lists, info about staff, services, and other important info. Click here for the homepage; click here for the Family Handbook.
- Tuckahoe School Calendar - check this for events, updates and general school calendar information.
- APS Website - This site has county-wide school information, policies, news, lunch menus, etc. Click here to access the homepage.
- ParentVUE - This site is a central APS site. ParentVUE is an online service available to parents of ACTIVE Arlington Public Schools. ParentVUE is an online tool to help you monitor your student’s education. It allows you to update contact information and provides you with access to the latest information about your child’s attendance and scheduling. Middle and high school families can view class assignments, scores, report card grades and course history with ParentVUE. Parentvue Login. Students in 3rd grade and above use APS Canvas and APS OneLogin accounts for some school work.
- Parent Resource Center - This is an APS resource for families in the special education or children with learning differences. It has information, resources, and discusses the process for the county. Click here for the homepage.
- Peach Jar Flyers - These are electronic flyers delivered via email. They include information approved by APS to share about sports and other activities offered outside of Tuckahoe, as well as information on upcoming activities (Read Across America, Teacher Appreciation, Allergy Awareness) that affect the Tuckahoe community. You should be automatically registered once you register at school and login instructions will be sent. Current and past Peach Jar flyers are available on the Peach Jar website.
- Family Access Center - The Center is on the APS website and provides helpful links to many of the resources discussed above. It also provides info on AccessAPS (ParentVue) where you can update your contact information, see your child’s records and grades. You will need your child’s school ID which should arrive via postal service or could come home with your child on the first couple days of school in back to school packets.
- APS Parent Academy: The APS Parent Academy offers parents and guardians of children attending schools in Arlington learning opportunities on a wide variety of subjects to support the academic, social and emotional development of children.
- CCPTA (County Councils of PTAs)
- ASEAC (Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee)
TDEI (Tuckahoe Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community)
About the Tuckahoe PTA
- Who We Are - The PTA is a volunteer-led organization dedicated to providing support to the school to enhance the education of children.
- Contact Us - The PTA has 5 officers (a President, Vice President, VP Fundraising, Secretary and Treasurer). Find their names and email address on the PTA website as well as the contact info for the liaison assigned to each grade level.
- Join the PTA - our community is stronger together. Please help support our mission by joining the PTA, coming to meetings and participating in events and activities. It's easy to join - simply go the My Account tab on this website to register and update your information (you'll get a paper and online directory) and you can sign up for the PTA at the same time.
- Volunteer - We always need help, check out a full listing of all open volunteer positions on the volunteer page.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 6
- Wednesday, March 12
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
Tuckahoe Fun Facts
Built: 1953
Year PTA Founded: 1954
Location: Arlington, VA
Principal: Mr. Dustin Barnes
Families: 309
Students: 444
Mascot: Slider
School Colors: Blue & Gold & Green
Tuckahoe has a weather station with real time data